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5th International Scientific and Technical Conference Modern Pow


5th International Scientific and Technical Conference Modern Power Systems and Units (MPSU2020)에 대해 안내드립니다.

자세한 사항은 홈페이지를 참고해주세요.


- 일시: 2020325-27

- 장소: Conference center - Galaxy Hotel G?sia 22A Street, Cracow.

- 홈페이지: https://www.wtiue.conrego.pl/en/


- Important dates

  Abstract submission: 15.12.2019

  Acceptance of abstracts: 20.12.2019

  Sending full papers: 05.01.2020

  Deadline for fee payment: 19.01.2020


The Department of Energy of Cracow University of Technology in cooperation with the Association for the Education of Specialists in Construction of Energy Machines and Devices would like to invite you to participate in 5th International Scientific and Technical Conference Modern Power Systems and Units (MPSU2020), which will take place in Cracow, 25-27.03.2020. The conference will also include the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the birth of the head of the Department of Energy, prof. dr hab. in?. Jan Taler.


Due to numerous requests, the Organizing Committee decided to extend the deadline for submitting abstracts until 15.12.2019.


We would like to inform that for conference participants were negotiated promotional prices when booking rooms at the Hotel Galaxy made online via the website:



Room prices in the special offer, valid from 23-29.03.2020, are: 330 PLN/day for single room and 370 PLN/day for double room.


Extended versions of best full papers will be recommended to publication in, among others, ISI indexed journals:

Energy (IF 5.537),

Energies (IF 2.707),

Heat Transfer Engineering (IF 1.703).


Information on subsequent journals, to which articles may be recommended, will be announced in the near future.

For further information please visit the Conference website: https://www.wtiue.conrego.pl/en/


Best regards,

Organizing Commitee

of the 5th International Scientific and Technical Conference Modern Power Systems and Units 
