

영문학술지<IJFMS 발간안내>

유체기계공업학회 회원 여러분들께,

우리 학회의 숙원 사업으로 일본 터보기계협회 (TSJ) 및 중국 공정열물리학회 (CSET)와 공동으로 지난 1년여 간 준비해 온 영문학술지 International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems (IJFMS) 의 창간호를 금년 10월 발간할 예정입니다.

IJFMS 는 전자저널의 형태로 년 4회 발간될 예정이며 게재된 논문은 누구나 무료로 다운 받을 수 있도록 공개할 예정입니다.

한중일의 잘 알려진 유체기계 전문가들로 편집진을 구성하고 세계적인 학자들을 자문위원으로 위촉하여, 단 기간 내에 국제적인 수준의 학술지로 발돋움하기 위해 모든 노력을 다하고 있습니다.

이에 여러 유체기계공업학회 회원 여러분들의 적극적인 협조를 부탁 드리며, 논문을 투고해 주시면 신속히 심사를 진행할 것을 약속 드립니다.

논문투고에 대한 자세한 사항은 IJFMS 홈페이지 (를 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.

김 광 용 드림

IJFMS 공동 편집장

Announcement of New Journal

International Journal of
Fluid Machinery and Systems

Introduction and Scope
The International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems (IJFMS) was established under the cooperation of Korean Fluid Machinery Association (KFMA), Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics (CSET), and Turbomachinery Society of Japan (TSJ) to serve the engineering community through dissemination of new technology and ideas concerning all types of fluid machinery and related systems.

IJFMS treats all engineering aspects of fluid machinery and systems including design, manufacturing, operation and new application as listed below. It welcomes technical papers as well as academic papers as far as they include new ideas useful for fluid machinery and systems. Although no explicit distinction will be made between technical and academic papers, rapid dissemination of the new technology is more respected than the completeness for technical papers.

* Pumps,* Compressors,* Fans and blowers,* Hydro turbines,* Gas and steam turbines,* Wind turbines,* Propulsion,* Elements for fluid machinery and systems,* Flow sensors and measurements ,* Vibrations and rotor dynamics,* Jet technology,* Fluid sealing and lubrication,* Operation, monitoring, maintenance, cost & life evaluation,* Pipelines and distribution systems,* Design and manufacturing for fluid machinery and systems,* Materials for fluid machinery and systems,* Erosion, corrosion, and wear,* Cavitation, condensation and two phase flows,* New application of turbomachinery,* Renewable energy,* Application of MEMS,* Micro & nano fluid systems,* General fluid and structural mechanics of fluid machinery

For further information and guidelines for submission of papers, please, visit the following homepage for IJFMS.


Kim, Kwang-Yong
Inha University, Korea

Tsujimoto, Yoshinobu
Osaka University, Japan

Wu, Yulin
Tsinghua University, China


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